Thursday, May 27, 2010

Count down complete... flying out in less than 2 hours!!

Hi! So.... I pulled an all nighter so I can sleep on the plane. These flights are sooo long, then I have a couple hour stay-over before I actually get on another little plane.. ugg...

Anywhoo.... I'm excited about it, just a little nervous I guess because I'm going alone this time. I'm gonna miss my hubby and rug-rat. I hope she doesn't have any other hypo events while I'm gone.

God... Please give me a safe flight... Please let my Zoe be healthy... Please bless my hubby with his car issues.

Gotta get ready for my trip... Type ya lata!! *Y*

Friday, May 14, 2010

"Our Best Self"

Why is it that the people you love the most, know how to hit you were it stings the worst?

Recently, I have come across many issues of family/loved ones/friends that hurt one another. Not only scratching the surfaces of their hearts, but digging deeper and deeper into your mind and soul until you don't know what to think, feel, or say anymore.

People feel taken advantage of and their counterparts feel unappreciated, yet... are we really trying to do these things to each other? Try to view their side of the story, maybe they feel the way you do. Yet, why can't we have "Normal" conversations about these issues instead of yelling, screaming and making snide remarks to hurt one another?

Even from experience with my relationships/acquaintances; All day at work/rest, I aim to help, heal and satisfy my patients, co-workers, superiors, friends, elders. I've noticed that I am sweeter, kinder and more attentive to others and my husband gets the "Worst" part of me. I guess because I'm comfortable with him, I know he will always be there, He is HOME! But shouldn't he get the BEST OF ME?

At present, my husband and I are doing well. Of course we have our arguments, but I feel good with what we have. I do request daily from God, that he help to strengthen us even more as we venture off to possible changes in our lives ahead.

I'm hoping the hurt and grief that my family/friends are experiencing at this time can be healed.

In closing...
Sisters, Brothers, Lovers, Mothers, Fathers, Friends, Families...

Let's try to be our "BEST SELF" to those we love.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can't wait for Cali...

So, my countdown begins until I go back home to Cali to see my family and friends. My cousin's Quincenera (15 Bday) is why I'm going home. I can't wait! I can't believe Gabrielle (my cousin) is 15... geezzzz.... I remember when she was born. Dang, I'm old! Ha haa!!

Anywho.... I'm really excited to see my nephew, Javyn. He's 8 months now, I'm missing everyone grow up!! :(..... (tears).

A lot of plans when I get home: Mexican food, ME & Eds pizza, IN - N- Out, (Dang.. food of a girl!), "Getting my hair did" by my BFF... Vero... the best hairstylist ever!! Ha haa!! What else.. oh yeah, Movie night with BFF...

I can't wait! See ya later... 14 days and counting~!!!!!!!!!!! *Y*

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Damn BFF....

Okay... so... I've been in hiding for quite sometime, but my BFF is making me come out! So, here is my first Blog... Hmmm... what to write??? I'm a dork.. I know. Well, the boring girl in me just wants to say, I gotta go to bed so I can get up for work in the am. It's 1:48am in the East Coast. Good night!!